Maros Engineering


valvola modulante per vapore e fluidi ad alta temperatura modulating valve for steam regelventil für dampf valvole a sede inclinata angle seat valves


Modulating valve for high-temperature fluid and steam control. Inox or brass valve body.

valvole per vapore valvole acciaio inox Schrägsitzventile fur Dampf valvole a sede inclinata angle seat valves válvulas de asiento inclinado


Valve for high-temperature fluid and steam control. Inox body.

valvole per vapore valvola in ottone per fluidi ad alta temperatura e vapore Schrägsitzventile valvole a sede inclinata angle seat valves válvulas de asiento inclinado


Valve for high-temperature fluid and steam control. Brass body.

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If you have already identified which type of valve you need, or if you would like an overview of possible alternatives, please fill in the form below to contact our technical department. Briefly describe your case and we will contact you shortly. 

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End-of-year closure

Maros Engineering’s offices will be closed from 23 December to 3 January 2025.

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